I suspect my latest attempt at controlling my fertility is playing havoc with me, about 4 months ago I had the Implanon implant put into my arm, and now I just feel like crap ALL the time, I either have bad insomnia or I am getting 10 hours sleep and still cant drag myself out of bed in the morning (not great when you have two kids!). I have been having bad hot flashes... I'm only 34 so definitely not ready for Menopause... Grumpy and crabby, dizzy spells and NO sex drive whatsoever! All of these things are listed on various discussion forums and other sites as common side effects... so if its on the Internet it must be true! (just like if it's in the Herald/Sun or on A current Affair it must be true too!) but of course not listed in the 'official' literature which plays down any side effects at all.
I gave the Implanon a go on the advise of my obstetrician who doesn't like IUD's (the only contraceptive I have ever actually been happy with!) and reckons it's great for people who cant take the pill (that would be me! try having All the PMT symptoms ALL month long!) Ive also tried the Depro Povera injections but that made me totally blow up, played havoc with my skin and meant I didn't have a period for two years which sounds great but doesn't feel very natural to me at all!
I'm gonna go see my GP next week and see about getting the Non-hormonal IUD back in, I just cant keep going the way I am at the moment... my blog is suffering!!!!
tagged in a blog meme like it’s the 90’s
3 weeks ago
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