Friday, June 7, 2013

My blog got me in trouble recently (and here I was thinking no one was reading... turns out the one person I didn't know knew about it was!) which got me thinking of surveillance and investigating what else was out there (and I cleared out some of the excess crap... bye bye twitter, bye bye you tube channel that never got used.) and I found a few tasty HotRodLibrarian gems I hadn't seen before...

This one is from the lovely folks at Library Bonnet zine, love that they loved my ironic use of the fabulous $2 Jesus stickers!

And check this out... I’m in Google Books! Makes me wanna go out and do another zine!

But this one is possibly my favorite .. apparently I’m very influential to my friends and (possibly) have an IQ of 134! (mind you I had to look it up to find out that’s above average!) Well if I’m apparently so smart... how come I did something so frikkin’ stupid!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Geez Louise (embarrassing middle name!) How long has it been!
Probably for the best really, I would have just ranted and raved and been all bitter and twisted about work situations that are outside of my control!
I have a new job these days, I'm a Hospital Librarian which is funny because 18 months ago I would have laughed if you'd told me that! The other hilarious part is those who think I push around a cart of books for the patients to borrow! Little do they understand this is a research library and I spend my days doing complex literature searches for medical professionals!
But who knows how long this will last given that I have over an hours travel to get here and if all goes to plan this week ;)
The uni didn't work out... such is the life of the casual worker. I was upset, even had the dreaded cry at work a couple of times. But such is Life and I had/have to move on.
Just had such a great year last year you know...

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today I needed to find a couple of files for job interview show and tell, which led me back to my blog which I've been ignoring and neglecting for way to long and I realised how much I miss it...

Of course I've not got the time right now so here's a tasty quick morsel...