Geez Louise (embarrassing middle name!) How long has it been!
Probably for the best really, I would have just ranted and raved and been all bitter and twisted about work situations that are outside of my control!
I have a new job these days, I'm a Hospital Librarian which is funny because 18 months ago I would have laughed if you'd told me that! The other hilarious part is those who think I push around a cart of books for the patients to borrow! Little do they understand this is a research library and I spend my days doing complex literature searches for medical professionals!
But who knows how long this will last given that I have over an hours travel to get here and if all goes to plan this week ;)
The uni didn't work out... such is the life of the casual worker. I was upset, even had the dreaded cry at work a couple of times. But such is Life and I had/have to move on.
Just had such a great year last year you know...
tagged in a blog meme like it’s the 90’s
5 weeks ago
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