Friday, March 9, 2012


My fucking hormones just won't let up! I feel like I've tried everything short of a complete hysterectomy (which is what the boy seems to think is the solution to EVERYTHING! Hmmm Freudian or what!!) I've tried herbs, injections, implants, the pill, the mini pill and everything seems to either make things worse, to the extent that I feel like I'm slipping into an early menopause (which to be honest would feel like a relief!) or has no effect whatsoever. Its gotten so bad recently that I feel like a 'Raggy Bitch' (the boy, 2004-) at least 2 weeks out of the month, and can pinpoint the PMT onslaught by pain so intense I can pretty much tell which side I am ovulating from and without fail, check the period tracker on my phone which will say "12 days to go" given that it seems to come at least two days early each month and lasts at least until 3-4 days into my period, Somebody ain't a happy camper... at least 1/2 the time anyway!

1 comment:

Hawm said...

Not fun. I understand. I'm no fun when mine are out of whack either.