Tuesday, December 28, 2010

La La ink...

I've been catching up on my LA Ink's... I don't have pay TV so rely on the DVD's from the library so do absolutely realise I am about 2 years behind the times on LA Ink gossip... well, get over it!

I am very disappointed by the turn the show has taken, I have just finished the Collection 7 DVD which I think is the series 3 or 4 maybe? Anyways they have got rid of Kim and my absolute favourite Hannah because apparently they were not popular enough and now its just a revolving soap opera of stupid shop politics and dumb shop assistants who they obviously only have for the drama and chicks with way scary make up! Instead of focusing on the clients and the reasons behind the tattoo's they choose... but of course being the hypocrite I am, I'm still completely addicted and just put in my purchase request for collection 8 which is released in a week!

I also broke my own rules and went and purchased a book instead of getting the library to get it for me (That's twice in the last month you know!!) and bought the Tattoo Chronicles just because I wanted to and now I'm more and more desperate for another tattoo and, um, yeah!

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