Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get Set for Mr. S!

This post is dedicated to one of my oldest friends Mr. S. 15 years we have under our belts with narry a cross word between us... well that I can remember either!

He's one of those people that draws interesting people to him and my life would be so much greyer for it not for our friendship!

I'm so proud of him, He's got himself this regular DJ gig on a Sunday afternoon "The Sunday Set" at the Toff in Town.

He is totally in his element and each week there is a theme that all the songs must adhere too. This week's was "Luck" so you've got your Tumbling dice, Lucky Star, Knock on Wood, etc. etc. I love it and would be there every week if I could be.
Here they are in the free rag last year...
He's such a sweety boy and I love him (that Nurofen is kicking in!!!)

P.S. He's single if there's any interested gents out there!!

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