Have I told you I have the perfect baby? She sleeps all night, only cries when she's hungry and is totally cute! Now I'm not saying this to gloat... believe me if I knew what i was doing right I would share it with you, write a book and make a million dollars! But boy, those books can be evil, full of contradictory information and advice and making their money out of making women question their own abilities and intuition. I read one recently that was so rigid in it's routines it would have stressed me out so much if tried to follow it I would be an absolute mess! You must do this and that at this time and not a minute before or later, I'm sorry but that's just not real life! Sure I know that routines can have their place and maybe I'm lucky that both my babies have fallen into their own routines (were allowed to fall into their own routines maybe?). Early on I read and article that said that it was a good idea to not have too strict a routine so your kid doesn't freak out if your out somewhere and am running late or whatever. It also advised that you sometimes give their bottles at different temperatures so that if you couldn't heat it when you were out and about they wouldn't freak out too. I have followed that one!
My advice... find what suits you and then don't read anymore of those books! and follow your instincts and intuition!
tagged in a blog meme like it’s the 90’s
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
totally agree with you there. we did the same and it makes a well adjusted little one that you can take anywhere and is not too fussy
friends thought we were insane when we took her for the city trip to Copenhagen and later on to Edinburgh. we had a great time but kept it interesting for her too
some of those books are indeed evil and create so much more stress for mums, but there are a few good ones as well which are hard to find between all that rubbish outthere
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