Bush walking...
I am feeling slightly (understatement!) exhausted right now, and although I do believe it is partly to do with the massive pile of dishes waiting for me to do while the boy sits happily on the couch watching DVD's and cant understand why I am yelling at him to come help me... Well it might also have something to do with the 12 km's walk we did today to Currawong Falls near Airey's Inlet. It's our, not so new, hobby that we are now taking seriously. We were building ourselves up to a planned 3-4 day walk in Wilson's Promontory in May, but unsure of what we will do now after the fires. So most weekends this year Me, the Boy and a 12kg Little Miss in her backpack carrier (on my back while the boy trains with his pack full of all sorts of important hikey things) have been setting off for increasingly longer walks. Mind you, 12 km's is nothing when you consider that in year 12 I did a 9 day walk through the Tasmanian Wilderness, but then again that was 15 years ago!!! Of course I did do the walk today with a massive blow out in the bum of my pants (now the pants are only 17-18 years old... ) which was fine until we got to the spot we were planning to have our lunch at and about 15 middle-aged members of a bush walking club were there, and the rip got even bigger (and louder) when I sat down! We also saw a small Tiger Snake, that was pretty cool. The Boy refuses to acknowledge this is the second time I have saved him from a Snake!! So thats enough of todays adventures... I'm off to bed now!!!
tagged in a blog meme like it’s the 90’s
3 weeks ago
Gotta watch those bum blow outs!
Impressive!! But would like to add: is the backpack full of stuff not lighter than a wee madam? Boy could be a real gentleman and carry both (:
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