Saturday, March 21, 2009

Miss Jayney's big one....

Me and my new hair are about to go squeeze into one of my old dresses for the wedding of the lovely Miss Jayne...

Miss Jayne is fab, one of several of my favourite ladies who I met during the bookshop-from-hell time of my life. (Which wans't actually all that bad, I just like being dramatic!) Miss Jayne is a riot grrrl from way back and a true inspiration. SHe also met the groom on the internet which I think is ace!

I have been looking forward to this one for ages, and am making sure I drink way to much coffee in order to stay wide awake! I am hoping Miss Jayne will not let me down and this will truly be a day to remember!!

Bridezilla, this is dedicated to you...*

*Actually the lovely E sent me this hilarious video ages ago and Ive been meaning to post it ever since!! Thanks E!

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