Hello Dear Readers,
Are there any of you out there other than my Mum?
Please say hello sometime and let me know your there!
Ive been having a lazy morning with Little Miss, ABC kids, hot cross buns and cheese on toast!
She's a clever one is my Little Miss... now I know we all get sick of hearing that from parents... but here's some proof...
Today she put on her own nappy... (OK so it was actually one of those pull up things) I was letting her have a bit of nudey time whilst running her bath then suddenly she shows up fully nappied out, it was even the right way round and everything which is better than I can often do!
She can pick out makes of car... (sort of) Toyota's are Oma's car, BMW's are Grammy's car, Holdens are Daddy's car and anything resembling a Hot Rod is Grumpy's car!
Reminds me of someone...
When I was in Kinder they did some random test where they put something in front of the child and they are supposed to say what it is, they put down a matchbox car in front of me and asked me what it was.
I said "It's a Chevy!"
They looked at my Mum all confused until she said "She's right".
It was a 55 Chev, same as we had at home at the time.
I am Cleva.
Little Miss is in Bed now... thank god for naps!
I have way too many things planned for that short space of time.
tagged in a blog meme like it’s the 90’s
3 weeks ago
as a reader of that lovely little story I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Hi you, here in holland i try to keep up with reading your blog and facebook (which is not working at the moment) in between running after a hyper toddler and working in the library. must say it's a great way to stay in touch!
You do have a clever little one. Same here with our power brains, sometimes you forget she's only 28 months (but such a difference with the other kids). She still speaks english and dutch; the otehr day she got her picture 100 word book out and started labelling all things in it in dutch and then in english. we were impressed, since we hardly ever get the book out; i like it better to point and label real things. she's snoring now at the moment too, sounds like some grizzly bear up there though (with her cold and blocked up nose), it's time for spring! but it only got colder (again). well 1 more week at work and then a week off; oooh so looking forward to it. love you xxx
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