What a calamity has befooted our backyard this weekend! We have had our chook (named Cookie by my daughter who cannot yet say her CH's) a week now and felt, perhaps she was suitably comfortable enough to let her have a bit of a roam in the garden, stretch her bits and all that, which was all fine and dandy until we tried to put her away!
My partner was having a lovely old time watching me chase her around the garden, trying chook psychology and good old bribing! eventually he came out to help corner her which just made her head up. Onto the roof of the shed. Our shed which adjoins the neighbours house roof. So up the ladder he goes to chase her down, instead she flys into the only tree in our backyard and nothing was going to get her down from there!!! (and believe me we tried!)
10pm last night when we got home from dinner, still in the tree. Figured she was safe enough there and there's not much we can do about it.
Got up this morning for chook search and rescue. No sign, not dead or alive. I hunted around her hiding spots from the day before, still no sign. looked over the neighbours fence and what do I see... a confused chookie, looking back at me. There was no sign of anyone awake at the neighbours house and I don't know them well enough to go getting anyone out of bed. And me, home alone. So here I am, in my jammies, overcoat and the boys workboots, sneaking around the neighbours driveway area (probably looking incredibly suspicious) chook chasing. seems the chook is not as dumb as we had been assuming, could not be cornered or tricked into a box, even with the bribe of food.
So chasing it was, eventually into our (unfenced) front yard, up a tree (again) and me, who, despite growing up in the country wouldn't really have any clue about catching chooks trying to coax it down before it ends up back on the roof. I was eventually able to pull the branches down far enough to grab miss Cookie, which was straight back into the henhouse for her, and no stretching her bits for a very long time!!!
I have renamed her Roast.
We have two more chooks ariving (maybe) today which I have named Soup and Korma.
Anyone want to come over for dinner?
tagged in a blog meme like it’s the 90’s
3 weeks ago